Saturday, April 5, 2014

Content is Still King!

2014 is bringing a plethora of new strategic communication avenues.  Even now, companies are reaching out past Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and entering the realms of Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.  Like the days of old, you could consider Pinterest and similar outlets like cable when the networks still ruled the airways.  Trust us…like cable, if they can grab an audience and keep them, they too will flourish. 

Like businesses and organizations of the past, diversification throughout the various different channels is key to reaching audiences.  In other works, you must have a marketing presence on all of them for maximum exposure and to reach as many people you can in your target audience.

And, that brings us right back to….the king, content.  Regardless of the audience, the avenue, or the channel – whether it is Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram, you have to have a strategically honed message that represents the content you must deliver consistently to your target audience if you wish to grow your business. 

Technology is going to change at the speed of sound.  We see it happening all the time.  Strategic communication and marketing text still owns the game…no matter how it delivered.  Technology is the vehiclecontent is the driverAnd, the driver is in the driver's seat and in control.

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