Saturday, June 30, 2012

Your Brand is Your Company or Organizational Signature not Your About Us Page

Good, bad or indifferent, when you hear the words, Rolls Royce, Jeep, and Hummer, you immediately see an image in your mind associated with the respective name.  That image represents the product.  Our minds then, almost instantaneously, process an associated significance of the image.  In the marketing world, it is called the brand.  That associated significance or “brand,” believe it or not, was not actually developed by your brain alone…as smart and complex as it may be.  It was developed by a strategic communications plan that told your brain how to associate the product.

A marketing campaign presents a multitude of images and words including product specs that you may read on an About Us webpage or in detail in a full color advertisement.  A strategic communications campaign packages and defines all those details into a simple message – the signature of the product or service, so to speak – and converts all the images and text into the associated significance of it all, the brand.  Strategic communications defines and wraps all of the details into the brand, and, in essence guides you, as a consumer, on how to view the product or service just at the sound of the brand name.  Through our strategic communications plans and initiatives, Concierge PA incorporates all to the complex and intricate specs, text, benefits and images of products or services, and translates them all into unique signatures that speak volumes for our clients.  We deliver what our clients expect; we produce signature brands.

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