1. Wear the right hat.
Remember you are not writing poetry or posting a personal status when
you are writing professionally. You are
communicating as a professional to other professionals. And, with that comes
some formality in your style and execution.
That is not to say you cannot write business communication with
expression and catchy headlines. In
fact, marketing communication sometimes requires that. It simply means, when you are communicating
professionally, you need to remember your audience, and that your professional role
and credibility should be as evident in your style and presentation as in
your content.

3. Use professional vehicles for your professional
communication. In this day and age, you
should have a professional website for your business operations, period. Costs are simply low enough these day as
to not be an issue. And, you should have
a professional email address (or addresses) attached to it. You lose credibility when you communicate to
a potential customer or client from lulu@yahoo.com. For little or no cost (depending on your
hosting platform), you can obtain a professional email address such as jane@myprofessionalemailaddress.com. Always communication using professional
platforms and vehicles when you are publishing professional communication –
including emails.
Just remember, business is business, including when you are
publishing marketing communication, or any other professional material for that
matter. One hat does not fit all. Case in point: Queen Elizabeth wears a lot of
hats. But, you would never see her
wearing a sombrero to an investiture at Westminster Abbey. Just saying…
As always, contact Concierge PA...we have an extensive hat collection!
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