No one can tell you exactly WHO to partner with for your communications and marketing needs. Its like telling you who to date. It really takes two to tango. And, getting the chemistry right is not as easy as shopping on We can, however, give you some great pointers in selecting the best firm for you and your brand.
1. Run from a firm or agency that is just all show. There are some great designers out there. Dallas has a wonderful creative field of talent. But, art is art is art. And, art it is in the eye of the beholder. A design without the backing of information and a strategic plan is just that, a design. When it comes to strategic communications and marketing, art - no matter how beautiful and eye cathing it is - must be built around and executed as a result of a concise plan if it is to truly have a beneficial impact on your bottom line. And, you are in business for revenue, are you not? Think of it this way; if someone asked you to cook a wonderful casserole and they simply handed you a picture of it, do you think you could produce exactly what they wanted? I sincerely doubt it. You need detailed information. You need the recipe. Make sure your communications and marketing partner does not just hand you a picture. Make sure there is a recipe behind it.
Strategic communications and marketing should be important components of building your brand. Do your due diligence to partner with a firm that provides you concrete reassurances and the trust to know that they can be a true partner in a complex facet of your business.
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