Everyone has heard, "Publish original content." There are two main reasons for making this practice a habit when it comes to your marketing communication even on social media. The first is that original content helps you tell your unique story to your target audience. And, that is key to developing the followers and the customers you need and want. The other important reason is for search engine results. When you re-use or copy material that is already published, Google and other search engines basically say, "Already seen that...done that...NEXT." Content that is original gets noticed by search engines and helps your own marketing. Here is our Tip on the Tip:
Write your next pieces by interviewing members of your target audience, the same people you want to engage, and the people you want as customers. Interview them. Get their points of view. And, then use their contributions in your next post or piece. Quote them and use their names (with permission of course). People love to be included in stories and they tell other people who tell other people. Couldn't hurt your following could it?
Stories in print (newspapers, etc.) are filled with quotes and a good many of them are comprised of interviews. Employ this same tactic for the pieces you produce and publish on the Internet. It is a great way to truly include your audience at the front-end of your story, will give you great feedback, and will help to really draw in and engage your readers. That is our Tip on the Tip for this Tuesday.
If you ever need us to tip the hat in your favor, remember that
Concierge PA is just click away.
And, visit our Exhibits Page to see some or our original content.
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