Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Our New Site

Our new website is up and running for the new year. Happy New Year to all.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Marketing Trends for 2015

1. Content Marketing Will Continue to Grow in Prominence

In 2015, marketing will be all about gaining trust with the consumer.  Transparency and simplified and consistent content will be crucial to building trust with your consumer base.  Consumers not only want to be educated on a company’s offering, but also want to have a intimate understanding of the character of a brand.  An open dialogue built on transparent content is the new way to win over customers and clients.

2. Visual Content Marketing Will Thrive

YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and similar apps will continue to play a greater role in content marketing strategies.  Customized digital visual content collateral – including infographics and data visualizations – will continue to critical to marketing strategy in 2015.  Successful marketers will engage consumers with smart visual storytelling that is rich in content.  And, they will distribute the content on more and more diverse yet specialized platforms and channels.

3. Social Media Marketing Will Become More Diverse and Specialized

New social media platforms are growing in numbers.  The expansive selection of new and emerging social media apps and sites mean new avenues for businesses to reach their audiences.  It also means that businesses have new, diverse and specialized platforms that they must employ to engage potential clients.  This ever-developing media frontier provides businesses with a plethora of new options that allows them to produce engaging content and build their audiences across more channels than ever before.

Concierge PA - We will make your brand the trend for 2015.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Leading Role: What’s The Character of Your Brand?

Many business owners have a limited knowledge of marketing, let alone branding.  And, most do not know the difference between the two disciplines.  For some that have strategic communications plans that have put their brands on the right course, there is still one element or component that still seems to be over their heads.  That is their brand’s character.

Branding many times focuses on the unique or intrinsic elements of a product or service.  It also focuses on USP’s (unique selling points/propositions) and tries to drive home the benefits of the product or services to the consumer.  What many business owner, and “marketing” professionals, for that manner, fail to do is incorporate the brand’s character.

What is brand character?  Brand character is a peripheral component of a strategic communications plan.  It may be subtle, but it should be evident.  Take our company, Concierge PA for example.  Our brand is clearly defines.  We offer cost-contained yet top-tier strategic communications solutions to select client both large and small, and in both the for-profit, and non-profit sectors.  That is succinct and clear.  And, for many potential clients, that says it all.  But, because our character, or culture is embedded in how we transact business, it is also a foundation of our brand.  And, therefore we expound upon it in our messaging.

We provide our clients marketing and strategic communication solutions that are unrivaled.  We garner major market press and develop unrivaled campaigns for our clients.  And, we have perfected methodologies to work within our clients’ budgets.  If you look a little more closely to truly understand our brand's character, working within our clients’ budgets is not just a flat benefit we provide.  That benefit is prominent because of our brand character which is that we pride ourselves on being excellent stewards of our clients’ financial resources.  That character is compounded by our belief in old fashioned business principles where we value long-term partnerships with our clients over any sale.  We care a great deal about our clients.  It is who we are.  And, it is central to our brand.

Character in branding is just as important as personal character.  Make sure to polish up on your script.  It’s your business.  And, it just could be the role of a lifetime.

Let us take a leading role in your brand's success!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Define Your Brand...Consistently!

Your brand is not simply your logo.  Logos are important in helping define your brand and make your business readily known to your customers or clients.  But, logos are not a strategic marketing , or strategic communications plan which is a must for continued marketing success.

Logos, websites, social media, advertising, public relations, marketing material / collateral are all important elements which help define your brand and your business image and personality.  But, for them to be effective in marketing your business, they must all be consistent and tied to an extremely cultivated plan.  Whether your business is in Dallas, Atlanta, or Columbia, South Carolina, your marketing efforts must be consistent, and they must be anchored by a clear vision spelled out in your comprehensive strategic communications / strategic marketing plan.  And, that is where content proves to be king.

Consistent content throughout all of your marketing channels results in unique branding which translates your professional image to your customer or clients.  And, this image (your brand) establishes your business as being reliable to your customer / client base.  Your brand is defined not by any one element – such as a logo.  It is defined by many consistent elements uniquely defined through a complex and comprehensive plan.  And, many times, your business will need to partner with a firm to help develop your strategic communications / strategic marketing plan.  Just as you would not represent yourself in a court of law, seek guidance from a reputable firm to help define your vision, develop your plan, solidify your brand, and build your professional reputation.

We Build Great Reputations!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Our Friend, Robin Roberts, Teaches Us That Strategic Communication is All About Dreams & Focus!

Social media platforms, content development, brand newsrooms, and people based research are all important dynamics to incorporate and develop in today's strategic communication and marketing plans. And, the trends for marketing our brands keep evolving faster than we can implement them.  In today's fast-paced, ever-changing strategic communication and marketing landscape, it is easy to become immersed in trends and technology.  And, it is also just that easy to lose focus on the basic, human elements of marketing.

If I had to strip it to the core and sum up what all buzzwords, trends and technologies amount to, it would be pretty basic and simple.  What we are all doing in the profession is simply and basically trying to emotionally impress people (our audiences) and invite them into our professional homes...hoping that they enjoy the lemonade and goodies we provide them, and, more importantly, hope they return!!!  If they return, they have validated not only that they liked our homemade snacks, but also enjoyed our company.  There is no other greater reward. And, it is that basic! 

Before becoming managing director at Concierge PA, I had the opportunity to work with Robin Roberts when I worked with Vince Carter before his NBA draft.  Back then, I knew she was a consummate professional who I admired, but I never foresaw the wisdom and impact she would have on me personally and professionally.  Today, I see her as an inspiration that helps me focus on the basic elements that remain constant in this business - regardless of any current trend.  And, that makes me so much better as a practitioner of this profession. 

The Concierge PA team was inspired to "get back to basics," and understand at a primal level just what our business is all about after we watched a "required viewing" tape of our friend, Robin Roberts, who presented her master class for Oprah's OWN Network. Whether you are a business owner or a strategic communications and marketing professional- in Dallas, Atlanta, New York or Columbia, SC, we suggest you get your own copy and learn from our friend, Robin, a little about life...both personally and professionally.  

"Dream big...focus small."
Robin Roberts

We could not have said it any better, Robin.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why strategic marketing matters to your business….just ask Kodak.


I may be dating myself, but I can remember Kodak well.  It was a behemoth of industry, and everyone…every audience looked at Kodak as not just but an important brand, but one that affected peoples’ lives.  Kodak was not just a product, but it was an integral part of our lives.  After all it cataloged out lives.   And, that was huge.  Kodak was almost like a family member.  Then here comes to tech boom.

As high as Kodak rose, it failed with even a harder bump.  How could such a phenomenon such as Kodak be reduced to basically a relic with little importance to the daily lives of consumers today?  Simple…they did not navigate through the treacherous waters of  the digital age.  Even though they brought the world the first digital camera, they still were swept up in the tech boom under current.
Much smaller business can find themselves falling down the slippery slope just as Kodak.. They consistently produce a product or offer a service, but fail to understand the growing and ever-changing values of their audience. Many small businesses, like Kodak, fail understand their consumers’ needs in this ever changing world.  Millions of businesses fail because they do not strategically market to targets that will help them grow and succeed.  Like Kodak, small business will try to rely on their name and their current customer-base until those same consumers realize your marketing shelf life has expired and eventually make your business a thing of the past.

You do not have to look far to see examples of businesses that listen to customers, respond to their needs, and employee the marketing tactics to keep, capture and engage their audiences.  Does Google ring a bell?

You may never be as big as Google, but your strategic marketing can incorporate the principles of success employed by Google, and avoid the pitfalls of companies like Kodak.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Content is Still King!

2014 is bringing a plethora of new strategic communication avenues.  Even now, companies are reaching out past Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and entering the realms of Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and Google+.  Like the days of old, you could consider Pinterest and similar outlets like cable when the networks still ruled the airways.  Trust us…like cable, if they can grab an audience and keep them, they too will flourish. 

Like businesses and organizations of the past, diversification throughout the various different channels is key to reaching audiences.  In other works, you must have a marketing presence on all of them for maximum exposure and to reach as many people you can in your target audience.

And, that brings us right back to….the king, content.  Regardless of the audience, the avenue, or the channel – whether it is Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram, you have to have a strategically honed message that represents the content you must deliver consistently to your target audience if you wish to grow your business. 

Technology is going to change at the speed of sound.  We see it happening all the time.  Strategic communication and marketing text still owns the game…no matter how it delivered.  Technology is the vehiclecontent is the driverAnd, the driver is in the driver's seat and in control.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Jesus Tejada

We welcome Jesus Tejada as our new Creative Director.  Jesus is as expert at visual and digital creations, and imagery; and we are proud to have him as a part of our team.  Please reach out and learn more about his skills and offerings.  He will take Concierge PA to another level.

A step above the Rest!

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 - The Year of Trust

So here we are...it's 2014, and a new year.  And, like many of us, we have made resolutions on a personal level.  That is getting off to a good start.  But, in business, many of us are still stuck trying to catch up with marketing trends of 2013. And, I bet if you look back at 2013 or even back to 1999, you will remember that things that appear to change, still remain the same.  Strategic communication and marketing may change platforms (and, often), and the technological landscape may look a great deal different these days, but there is one thing in marketing that never will change...and, that is TRUST.  
Make 2014 the year that you trust your marketing decisions not based on gut instinct or some new platform, or simple desire, but on sound judgment based on a solid plan. In turn, your customers and clients will begin to trust you.
You would never build a house without a solid blueprint, or an experienced team of engineers and contractors you trust to build your dream home.  Follow the same principles with marketing your business.
Just like you would not build your home around a new state-of-the art "waterless" water heater, you cannot build your business just by tweeting, blogging and posting on Facebook.  Build your business by using tried and true strategic communications and marketing principles that never go out of style, and help build trust.  Build a team...you will need one you can trust to support you. Have a trusted comprehensive plan designed to market your product or service and one that you can trust to bring success.
Remember, all the technology in the world cannot compete with a well executed strategy...want to fly in an aircraft without the pilot filing a flight plan?